Celebrate your star sign and wear your zodiac keepsake close to your heart.
Wearing your star sign is a simple way to remember your mindfulness and horoscope readings throughout the day. If you’re feeling busy and stressed out, use your pendant to hold and give you clarity throughout the day. The durable 18K Gold plated Stainless Steel is designed to get wet, meaning you can wear your sign to the beach, or for everyday wear.
Offering a chance to reset and recenter yourself during your day-to-day activities will bring you strength and courage.
Read on to learn about the qualities and traits held by each sign.

For the first sign of the Zodiac, your birthday falls from 21 March - 19 April.
Aries, the ram, is a true pioneer, your drive to succeed is nurtured by your spontaneity and courage.

April 20 - May 20, determined, persistent and practical, Taurus, also know as the bull, is a person you can depend on.
Taurus is resourceful, ambitious and affectionate.

Gemini birthdays are from May 21 - June 20.
Known for being social butterflies, Geminis are vivacious intellectuals who are warm hearted and friendly.

Your Cancer birthday falls from June 21 - July 22.
Protective and empathetic, the sign of the crab is imaginative and possesses many hidden talents, revealed only to the right people.
Leo the lion is the leader of the Zodiac signs.
With a birthday from July 23 - August 22, this fire sign is a competitive goal setter. Leo natives are regal, honourable and passionate.

The Maiden Virgo is not afraid to speak August 23 - September 22.
They are logical, analytical and have a strong sense of purpose. Virgos despise disorder and strive for perfection.
Libra signs are known to be diplomatic and resilient.
For birthdays from September 23 - October 22, they are charming, patient and reliable. An air sign full of selflessness and care for others.

Birthdays from October 23 - November 21, the Scorpio water sign is know as the analyst of the Zodiac.
Scorpios are passionate, intense, charming and love to travel. They're mysterious, complex and curious.
Sagittarius the archer aims high and is witty and sociable.
Birthdays from November 22 - December 21, this fire sign is magnetic and romantic. They are hard working and ethical.

The hardworking and dependable Capricorn has a birthday from December 22 - January 19.
This earth sign is ambitious and moral, and you can certainly depend on your Capricorn friend.

Born January 20 - February 18, Aquarius is an inspiring visionary who brings change for good.
This air sign is an intellectual with a very loyal and pleasing introspective personality. They are progressive thinkers.
Pisces birthday falls from February 19 - March 20.
This water sign is known as the creator of the Zodiac. They are lovers of art and despise rudeness. Pisces is adaptable and innovative.
Star sign jewellery makes the perfect gift for your loved one, or yourself, and the beautiful 18K gold Plated necklace will be loved, worn and cherished for years to come.